Unlock the Power of Storytelling.

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Unlock the Power of Storytelling.

Request, receive, curate, and publish video content in minutes, without the hassle and expense.

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Video Testimonials

90% of people trust what your customers say about your business more than they trust what you say about it. 79% of people have watched a video testimonial to find out more about a company, product or service, and of those, 77% of people say it has played an important part in their purchasing decision. With Rakonto, it’s easier than ever to request, receive, curate and publish testimonials from one client or thousands. Click here for our source.

It's easy to get started with Rakonto in 3 steps!

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Record your request

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Great customer experience leads to higher profits and long-term relationships. More than 60% of customers will pay at least 5% more if they know they’ll get a good customer experience, and 65% will become long-term customers. Rakonto allows you to instantly engage with your customers, employees and partners. Collect and assess meaningful video feedback, easily and quickly, throughout their entire journey, from before the sale through long-term impact.

Knowledge Sharing

Instead of asking project team members to submit written reports, have them share their experiences via video. Talking is easy and fast. The average person speaks 150 words per minute. A three-minute verbal response to a question would take an average person roughly 11 minutes to write, if they typed 40 words a minute and didn’t make any corrections. If they sat down and thought about their response, it would take them up to an hour. Organizations can save 4x – 20x time spent by having people share knowledge verbally instead of in writing.

Recruitment and Retention

Candidates trust company employees 3x more than the company to provide credible information on what it’s like to work there. More than half of exiting employees say their manager or company could have done something to prevent them from leaving. Rakonto gives employers great flexibility to request and receive video feedback from candidates and employees, building their brands to increase attractiveness and maximize retention.

Tour the Rakonto Platform

Stagefright? No Worries, We Can Help!

We understand that recording a story for the first time can be difficult. Knowing what to say or where to start are normal concerns, and that’s why we created a help wizard to help you understand the layout, plus walkthrough tutorials to guide you through the recording process, while also viewing timelines to see how they look and viewing stories for inspirational ideas.

Rakonto's automated transcription feature generates a transcript of your English-speaking audio or video in minutes. You can edit captions and upload subtitles in 70 languages.

Showcase the people in your stories by attaching photos and links to their social media profiles. Use genealogy websites like ancestry.com for links and information to deceased relatives.

Highlight key locations in your stories by pinpointing them on a map for viewers to understand where the story took place and to get a sense of where things happened.

Identify key dates in your stories, and Rakonto will automatically create a timeline view for you to allow you and viewers to navigate your stories through each time period.

Include images related to the stories you record so that people you share the stories with can experience it visually. Create an image carousel by uploading many images for viewers to scroll through.

Upload important files and documents related to the characters in your stories like qualifications or other achievements, and store them safely in a personal folder.

Do more with your stories.

Learn about our features.

  • Transcripts: Automated transcription will generate a transcript of your English-speaking audio or video in minutes. Edit captions and upload subtitles in 70 languages.

  • People: Showcase the people in your stories by attaching photos and links to their social media profiles. Use genealogy websites like ancestry.com for links and information to deceased relatives.

  • Places: Highlight key locations in your stories by pinpointing them on a map for viewers to understand where the story took place and to get a sense of where things happened.

  • Timelines: Identify key dates in your stories, and Rakonto will automatically create a timeline view for you to allow you and viewers to navigate your stories through each time period.

  • Photos: Include images related to the stories you record so that people you share the stories with can experience it visually. Create an image carousel by uploading many images for viewers to scroll through.

  • Files: Upload important files and documents related to the characters in your stories like qualifications or other achievements, and store them safely in a personal folder.

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