World Academy of Sport uses Rakonto to collect feedback from over 500,000 students

World Academy
"Rakonto is great to use on the admin side as well as with students and participants. They could easily watch a video, record themselves, and send it back without creating an account."
Celestin Carroz
Marketing and Communications Manager

The Problem

The World Academy of Sport has various educational programs. They wanted to get feedback from students and participants. Typically, they send students and participants long feedback forms and request video responses to get their stories and understand the highlights of their courses or things they could improve.

The Solution

According to World Academy of Sport, Rakonto is:

  • extremely straightforward
  • very easy to use
  • seamless implementation.

"Rakonto is great to use on the admin side as well as with students and participants. Students say Rakonto is very easy to access using the link or QR code. They could easily watch a video, record themselves, and send it back without creating an account. We appreciate the process and we think there is a lot of growth and potential using Rakonto." - Celestin Carroz, World Academy of Sport

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