Okay I confess that was a provocative headline. Let me explain.
As the founder of Rakonto, I am often asked, "Can I use Rakonto to get video testimonials for my business?" Of course the answer is yes, BUT I readily admit that the technology alone isn't going to get you the video social proof your organization really needs.
The most important thing you can do to get testimonials is to simply ask. But how?
There are many questions you can ask to request testimonials, but here is the most important principle:
Ask people (your clients, your audience, your employees, etc.) a question THEY ACTUALLY WANT TO ANSWER!
Recently one of our clients, an association, held an event. They asked a brilliant question of attendees. It was a question that, when people saw it, they thought, "I have an opinion on that! I have something to say! want to share my thoughts!"
What was the question? The question was similar to this:
"What three piece of advice would you give to a person just starting in this business?"
Nearly 40% of attendees recorded and submitted VIDEO responses using Rakonto. That's a massive percentage! Clearly that was a great question!
Now, here's the cool part. What do you think was the number one piece of advice shared by attendees?
"Join XYZ association!"
Yes, that's right! Nearly 40% of the respondents who recorded something mentioned actually mentioned the association when sharing their advice.
This association received a ton of video testimonials WITHOUT ASKING FOR VIDEO TESTIMONIALS. Instead, they just asked a question they thought their members would want to answer. They really just wanted members to share their advice so that it could help other members. They weren't thinking about getting testimonials. The testimonials part was completely accidental.
So, remember this important concept. Ask your tribe a question they really want to answer, and you'll be amazed by the responses you get.
Christian Napier, Rakonto Founder | CEO